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Rød og nær infrarød lysterapi for hunder, hester, katter og andre dyr. 

Photizo Vetcare® light therapy apparat er en meget effektiv behandling for dyr. Veterinærer, dyreterapeuter og dyreeiere har brukt lysterapi med rød og nær infrarød bølgelengde på dyr i mange år allerede. 

Og det gir en potent behandling for problemer som:
* leddsmerter
* osteoarthritis
* såre muskler
* skader og kutt
* inflamatoriske infeksjoner
* skader i ligamenter og tendon
* strekker og forstuinger
* smertelindring
* muskelregenerering

Photizo Light Therapy For Dogs and Cats
The soothing treatment of light therapy will benefit almost any dog or cat.
Senior pets will get better quality of life and improve pain management. By increasing comfort and mobility, Photizo Vetcare can further boost the pet's well-being.

The red and near-infrared light penetrates your animal’s skin, blood, muscle and bone with specific wavelengths of photons. The photoreceptors in the animal’s cells absorb this light energy, which enhances the healing process by giving the cells a boost of energy.
Unique and scientifically proven wavelengths reach different layers of tissue.
Red light, for example, is more efficiently absorbed by tissue rich in hemoglobin, and is beneficial for healing surface wounds and stimulating acupressure points.
Near-infrared light is able to pass through to deeper tissues such as tendons, ligaments, bones, joints and muscle.
The Photizo Vetcare have the Ideally combination of both red and near-infrared light with high peak performance irradiation, and therefore the photons are delivered on the depth where its needed.

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